Happy 2021
All the way back in 2020 I had an idea in my head that I would blog about my Masters thesis, I decided I would build the blog myself and on top of all that I would learn React JS as I learned how to blog good. The end result was very few blogs, I didn’t have the time to learn how to make React make things look nice, and that made me not want to showcase any of my shit.
So I had three options
- Quit entirely, give up on my blog dreams, buy an ice cream van and drive around Europe selling ice cream at extortionate prices to our tanned neighbors blessed with sunshine.
- Switch to using something a bit more child friendly like standard bootstrap and jquery, or even go down the route of wordpress and just plugin my way to victory.
- Scrap learning react and just use a pre built blog template.
In the end, I went for the third option, sure driving around southern Italy with my pockets full of change, up to my eyes in waffles and ice cream would have been fun. But then how would the world learn about how I passed my AWS Machine Learning exam?
I found a blog template that uses Hugo templating to define new blogs and deployed it using netlify, bought myself a new shiny io domain and this site was born.
But what about the amazing blog posts on the old site?
I had a total of 3 blogs on the old site. I will migrate them here, if you are one of the few who have already read them, I hear reading a blog a second time is the key to a happy life. If you haven’t seen them before, pretend you never read this disclaimer.
What will happen chickengoujons.ie?
It was the wrong site to test out react with. Worry not though, I’ll keep the domain and some day I’ll get around to building a site worthy of such an amazing domain name.